Distress in communities across the country is mounting with one in four Australians reporting to know someone who died by or attempted suicide in the past 12 months. Key drivers... read more →
The Tasmania State Budget has been handed down and while there was no direct mention of additional funding for suicide prevention, there were announcements relating to mental health and some of the social determinants impacting suicides. Suicide Prevention Australia... read more →
Established in 1994, CCNB is a leading provider of Care, Health and Systems Navigation services for people, families and communities. CCNB’s evidence-based models of care navigation offer impartial information, advice... read more →
Our member base has significantly grown this month thanks to the commitment and ongoing support from Wellbeing SA, a government agency separate to the Department for Health and Wellbeing. We... read more →
The following insights feature is provided by Survivors & Mates Support Network and explores the CEO Craig Hughes-Cashmore's lived experience of child sexual abuse and suicidal thoughts. Please carefully consider... read more →
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has delivered the annual Closing the Gap statement to Parliament, announcing a $1 billion plan to reduce disadvantage among Indigenous Australians. There was a strong focus... read more →
It’s clear from recent data that distress levels in the community are high and continuing to increase due to the ongoing challenges from COVID-19 lockdowns. The recent Australian Institute of... read more →
The Productivity Commission released the Annual Data Compilation Report today to inform reporting on progress under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap. A key target in the Agreement was to... read more →
Data released today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) reinforces the value of data collection to help save lives. Despite a rise in demand for helplines and... read more →
Switchboard Victoria is a national leading organisation providing peer-led suicide prevention programs, peer support services and initiatives to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and gender diverse, intersex, queer and asexual (LGBTIQA+)... read more →
Suicide Prevention Australia is pleased to announce the two recipients of the Targeted Research Grants. Congratulations to Associate Professor Michelle Banfield from the Australian National University and Associate Professor Ashleigh... read more →
Both the New South Wales and South Australian Budgets were handed down earlier this week and while there were no direct mentions about suicide prevention, there were some productive announcements... read more →
After many months of consultation and collaboration with our members, stakeholders, and experts in workplace suicide prevention, we have officially launched Suicide Prevention: A Competency Framework. The framework is designed to enhance... read more →
The Australia Men’s Health Forum (AMHF) is the peak body for men’s health in Australia, representing individuals and organisations working to improve the lives and health of men and boys.... read more →
Suicide Prevention Australia CEO, Nieves Murray, is once again taking part in the St Vincent de Paul Society CEO sleepout tonight, Thursday 17 June, in the Illawarra to raise awareness... read more →
Suicide Prevention Australia would like to congratulate Angela Emslie (AM), our Board Chair, and our former CEO, Sue Murray (OAM) for having their efforts recognised and earning a spot on this year’s prestigious Queen’s... read more →
On Thursday 3rd June, Suicide Prevention Australia’s CEO, Nieves Murray, Board Member and Chair of the Policy Committee, Stan Piperoglou, and Chris Stone, Acting Director of Policy and Government Relations presented to the Public Hearing of Select... read more →