Become an Organisational Member of SPA

Eligibility Criteria

Organisational Members must be a constituted entity (e.g. Inc. Ltd, etc.). Individuals are invited to join as Associate Members and Suicide Prevention Action Networks are invited to join as Suicide Prevention Action Network Members

Organisation membership is based on annual turnover as noted below.  Please select the Membership option that is appropriate for your organisation. All fees are in Australian dollars inclusive of GST. Membership is renewable annually based on payment date.

By applying for SPA membership, you agree to support the SPA Aims and Objectives and be bound by the SPA Constitution.

Privacy notification statement
Suicide Prevention Australia (SPA) is collecting this information in order to provide a service (membership), in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles. If required information is not supplied, we may not be able to provide you with the service you require. Information is retained by SPA for the purposes of SPA's usual operations and is not disclosed to any third parties except as required for these usual operations, such as membership matters. SPA operates a cloud environment, so data may be stored outside of Australia. However SPA does not disclose personal information outside of Australia except with the knowledge and consent of the individual. SPA’s Privacy Policy is available at and a copy can be obtained by emailing

Membership Details
Member Type *
Please select your membership type based on your organisation's annual turnover.

Upon joining, some of our members like to further support SPA's projects with a donation. Donations of AUD$2 or more are tax deductible to Australian taxpayers.
Total Amount
On Behalf Of Organization
Please enter the full legal entity name of your organisation.
Please enter the name usually used to describe your organisation.
The email entered here should be the main email contact address for your organisation.
Organisation Representative
In accordance with Section 2.10 of the SPA Constitution, an Organisation must appoint or nominate a representative to exercise the rights of the membership on behalf of the Organisation. If an Organisation does not appoint a representative, the CEO is eligible to vote on all matters upon which the Organisation Member is entitled to vote.

Please provide the details of your representative or CEO below.
Billing Name and Address