Realising Reform: Growing the Lived & Living Experience Workforce
Conversation Quarter 328 Swanston Street, [Entrance via La Trobe Street] State Library Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaMarch 2024 marks the three-year milestone in transforming the mental health sector following the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System. The Royal Commission highlighted the need for lived and living experience to be central to the design and delivery of a transformed mental health system. This event will be an opportunity to hear from services who are developing their Lived & Living Experience workforce and those working alongside them. What is working well, what challenges and opportunities are arising, and how are these initiatives contributing to a better, more sustainable and more person-centred mental health system. Join us for this networking breakfast event to dive deeper into the community and clinical experiences, contribute to the discussion on forward proposals and listen about the ways we can all work together to process the transformation. Breakfast included. $95 per person OR a book a table of 8 people for $650