Toowoomba Men’s Table Entree
An introduction to The Men’s Table through stories and dialogue over dinner…for men interested in being part of the Men’s Table. “It really gives me a sense of belonging – I feel a part of something” – James, Entree attendee. The Men’s Table Entree is an introduction to The Men’s Table through open sharing over a relaxed and conversational meal. The cost includes a meal. The Entree event is a chance to meet other men, learn about how a Table works and helping you decide whether you’d like to part of this local Men’s Table group. It will be hosted by a couple of long standing members of other Men’s Tables, sharing their experiences from their Tables, and responding to your questions, concerns and ideas. What is the Men’s Table? The Men’s Table is all about men serving men. The first Men’s Table (MT1) began in 2011 with 12 men who have met once a month for dinner and ever since. It is now growing to become a national charity. The Men’s Table creates a unique environment for men to share openly about their lives, their challenges, their highs and lows with a group of men who they learn to […]