Bronwen Edwards
Bronwen is the CEO of Roses in the Ocean, Australia’s national lived experience of suicide organisation providing innovative, highly collaborative leadership within the suicide prevention sector, for people with LE of suicide, communities, sector organisations & government.
Having dedicated themselves for over a decade to developing the lived experience of suicide movement, driving system reform, sharing learnings, and co-designing innovative service solutions that address service gaps, Roses in the Ocean has recently launched the Lived Experience of Suicide Informed and Inclusive Culture Change suite of resources to support services, organisations and government to meaningfully integrate lived experience in all suicide prevention activity.
As the driving force behind the National Safe Spaces Network, Roses in the Ocean have been working with communities over recent years to co-design safe spaces and peer enhanced services, including their community managed and led Pop-up Safe Spaces. Their Peer CARE Connect service provides a national lived experience of suicide warm line and in-community suicide prevention peer workforce services.
Bronwen holds a variety of state and national advisory positions, to which she first and foremost brings her personal lived experience of suicide to the table, while also striving to honour the vast perspectives of others she has been privileged to work with and walk alongside over many years.
Bronwen is the Co-Chair of the International Association of Suicide Prevention Special Interest Group: Lived Experience.