We count among our members the largest and many of the smallest organisations working in suicide prevention, practitioners, researchers and community leaders.

What our members are saying

“An engaged, collaborative sector is critically  important to reducing suicide in Australia. Suicide Prevention Australia seeks to foster this collaboration, provides opportunities for advocacy and generates quality policy and research. It is important that organisations across this diverse sector participate in formal ways of engaging, such as through membership of Suicide Prevention Australia.”

Thilini PereraExecutive Director-Strategy and Stakeholder Relations, Lifeline Australia

“Becoming a member of Suicide Prevention Australia was a natural fit to ensure we have the latest research and news at our fingertips, to network with fellow members and learn of other work happening across the sector. It is an opportunity for continual learning, relationship building and ensuring we are all working together to prevent suicide.”

Katherine NewtonCEO, R U OK?

Diverse Membership Benefits

The premier suicide prevention event of the year. This annual conference brings together the brightest minds in suicide prevention to promote collective action, share research, promote innovation and network.

Extensive events program

  • Preferential rates
  • Online events including the renowned  National Suicide Prevention Conference
  • Current research and information
  • International thought leaders and experts
  • Networking opportunities

Far reaching communication channels

  • Monthly Member Briefs
  • Website including member events calendar
  • Annual Communication Leaders Forum

Leading the policy debate

Our goal is to create a better policy and funding environment for suicide prevention in Australia. To achieve this, we participate in opportunities for reform, develop positions on issues that matter to the sector, and engage in proactive thought leadership. As national peak body, our policy approach represents the voice of the suicide prevention sector. That means we work closely with our members and people with lived experience. We also work closely with Government decision-makers as well as stakeholders from not for profit organisations, the private sector, and the wider community.

“From heightened government focus, to increased funding, innovative research, and a spotlight on priority populations, we are harnessing momentum and driving change both inside and outside the sector.”

Nieves MurrayCEO, Suicide Prevention Australia

State of the Nation
in Suicide Prevention

An annual Suicide Prevention Australia survey to gather in-depth intelligence from our membership and the broader suicide prevention sector.

National Policy Platform

Three Pillars

Better cross-portfolio coordination is essential to address the social, economic, health, occupational, cultural and environmental factors involved in suicide prevention.

The Suicide Prevention Quality Improvement Program has the capacity to ensure that every person who needs support can access the best care. We’ve partnered with people with lived experience of suicide, consumers, clinicians, service providers and accreditation experts to develop the nationally consistent accreditation framework. Suicide prevention program providers can participate in the accreditation pathway.

Email: qip@suicidepreventionaust.org

Become a member of Suicide Prevention Australia.

+61 (2) 9262 1130 | membership@suicidepreventionaust.org

© 2021 Suicide Prevention Australia