Suicide Prevention Australia welcomes the $4 million extension from the Commonwealth Government for the National Suicide Prevention Research Fund.
The Commonwealth Government has invested $16.5 million in the National Suicide Prevention Research Fund since 2017.
As manager of the fund, Suicide Prevention Australia has overseen over 50 grants to support world-class Australian research into suicide prevention. The Research Advisory Committee, chaired by Professor Don Nutbeam, guides the work of the fund with the support of expert researchers, service providers and people with lived experience of suicide.
The significant investment in research has yielded many benefits including closing the knowledge gap, fostering innovation and building capacity across research and suicide prevention.
The $4 million extension will aim to support world-class research by enabling us to:
- Address some of the risks for suicide that have been exacerbated by COVID like isolation and loneliness
- Better understand the most supportive and effective forms of intervention to prevent suicide
- Rapidly test and scale up interventions that meet specific needs for priority populations in Australia such as LGBTQI+ and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
Suicide Prevention Australia CEO, Nieves Murray said, “This investment comes at a critical juncture for suicide prevention as we start to emerge from the pandemic. Research shows the risk of suicide rates increasing in the two to three years after a disaster. These funds will help to build the evidence base of ‘what works’ to prevent suicide and suicidal behaviour.
“I’d like to acknowledge the invaluable work of the Research Advisory Committee in driving world-class research in suicide prevention. Robust research identifies evidence-based services and programs to better support those in our communities who are in distress,” said Ms Murray.
Chair of the Research Advisory Committee, Professor Don Nutbeam said, “The extension of the Research Fund will enable us to continue supporting world-class Australian research and facilitate the rapid translation of knowledge into more effective services for individuals, families, and communities.”
To learn more about the National Suicide Prevention Research Fund head to our website.
To get help 24/7, phone Lifeline on 13 11 14 or the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467. If you or someone you know are in immediate danger, phone 000 for emergency services.
Help to report about suicide safely is available online: Go to
Media enquiries:
Clare Kinsella 0427 689 689 or
Amelia Banks 0410 591 134 or
About Suicide Prevention Australia
Suicide Prevention Australia is the national peak body and we’ve been providing support for Australia’s suicide prevention sector for more than 25 years. We support and advocate for our members to drive continual improvement in suicide prevention policy, programs and services. Our reach is broad, including member organisations, governments, businesses, researchers, practitioners and those with lived experience. We are focused on an integrated approach to suicide prevention encompassing mental health, social, economic and community factors. We believe that through collaborative effort and shared purpose, we can achieve our vision of a world without suicide.