
About Suicide Prevention Australia’s Membership

Suicide Prevention Australia is the national peak body for suicide prevention.

We exist to provide a clear, collective voice for suicide prevention, so that together we can save lives. Our members and associates are central to everything we do.

We believe that through collaboration and shared purpose, we can work towards our ambition of a world without suicide.

At Suicide Prevention Australia, we are guided by lived experience and advocate for a whole-of-government approach to reducing suicide, encompassing not just mental health but social, economic and community risk and protective factors.

We advocate for a better policy and funding environment by responding to government and parliamentary consultations and inquiries and representing Suicide Prevention Australia members on key government and sector committees.

We consult with our members and associates across policy, advocacy and research. Members and associates have the opportunity to join our many panels and committees to inform our work.

Membership Benefits

Your membership gives you access to a wide variety of benefits:

  • Advocacy and Research: we consult with members to help us inform our advocacy work with key stakeholders such as state and federal governments, media, businesses, and communities.
  • Policy: we offer invitations to policy working groups, to contribute to submissions and help design policy papers.
  • Events: we host a range of face to face and online events, with preferential rates for members and invitations to member only events.
  • Data and Information: through our regular member briefs, you have access to the latest sector news, research, and evidence.
  • Promotion: we provide the opportunity to promote your organisations news, programs, events, services, and job vacancies through Suicide Prevention Australia’s channels which have a reach of more than 175,000 people.
  • Collaboration: we facilitate networking between members and associates to ensure we are all working together towards our ambition of a world without suicide.
  • Quality Systems and Practice: we offer a series of initiatives designed to enhance best practice, including an Accreditation Program, A Competency Framework and The Learning Hub.
Meet Our Members

Membership Types

Member Organisations

For groups for whom a primary or significant work area is suicide and self-harm prevention and/or postvention and who agree to be compliant with the member requirements of the Constitution 2.2(a)(i)B, and incorporated organisations, corporates, government institutions and bodies that sit outside the traditional suicide prevention sector but who have a demonstrated commitment to suicide and self-harm prevention and/or postvention.

  • Advocacy to government on your behalf, with access to key stakeholders
  • Opportunities to promote and share news via our communications channels
  • Invitation to participate on State/Territory committees (by appointment)
  • Lived Experience Panel (by appointment)
  • Voting Rights at Annual General Meeting
  • Eligibility to nominate to the Suicide Prevention Australia Board
  • Eligibility to be appointed Independent Director
  • Member-first access to data & information
  • Preferential rates for Suicide Prevention Australia events, both in person and online
  • Member networking and collaboration opportunities
  • Opportunities to promote and share news via our communications channels

Associates (Individuals)

For those who would like to support the work in the suicide prevention sector, advocacy and research, and those with lived or living experience, and who agree to be bound by, and compliant with, the Suicide Prevention Australia Constitution and provide a commitment to the Guiding Principles.

  • Advocacy to government on your behalf, with access to key stakeholders
  • Invitation to participate on State/Territory committees (by appointment)
  • Lived Experience Panel (by appointment)
  • Eligibility to nominate to the Suicide Prevention Australia Board
  • Eligibility to be appointed Independent Director
  • Member-first access to data & information
  • Preferential rates for Suicide Prevention Australia events, both in person and online
  • Member networking and collaboration opportunities
  • Opportunities to promote and share news via our communications channels

Membership Fees

The Suicide Prevention Australia membership period runs from 01 January to 31 December in any given calendar year.

Membership is based on the month of joining to the end of December of that year. Renewals are sent annually prior to December each year.

Your membership fee will be calculated from the month of joining. I.e.: if you join halfway through the year your pro-rata rate is 50% of the full 12 months and will be calculated at check-out.

Member organisation fees are based on revenue and Associate fees are a flat rate.

Associate (Individuals) also have access to a 50% preferential rate for:

  • Full-Time Students
  • Job Seekers

To receive the preferential rate please contact us directly to assist, at

Member (Organisations) RevenueAnnual Fees at renewal (ex GST)
Revenue under $100K$210
Revenue $100K<$500K$360
Revenue $500K<$1M$570
Revenue $1M<$2.5M$1080
Revenue $2.5M<$5M$2170
Revenue $5M<$7.5M$3250
Revenue $7.5M<$10M$4330
Revenue $10M<$25M$5670
Revenue $25M+$7980
Associate (Individuals)$100

If you have any questions about our membership, please contact the Suicide Prevention Australia membership team on or phone: 02 9262 1130.
