Receptionist and front counter employees are often at the frontline and first contact with a client. If that contact presents as aggressive, angry, or upset sometimes it’s not easy to... read more →
This Mindframe training session on safe and sensitive public communication around suicide and mental health concerns will include: A brief overview of the Mindframe program The Australian context, with current data The guidelines in-depth... read more →
This Mindframe training session on safe and sensitive public communication around suicide and mental health concerns will include: A brief overview of the Mindframe program The Australian context, with current data The guidelines in-depth... read more →
This Mindframe training session on safe and sensitive public communication around suicide and mental health conerns will include: A brief overview of the Mindframe program The Australian context, with current data The guidelines in-depth... read more →
This Mindframe training session on safe and sensitive public communication around suicide and mental health concerns will include: A brief overview of the Mindframe program The Australian context, with current data The guidelines in-depth... read more →
This Mindframe training session on safe and sensitive public communication around suicide and mental health concerns will include: A brief overview of the Mindframe program The Australian context, with current data The guidelines in-depth... read more →
Understanding cultural contexts for wellbeing, examining policy and government action for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Join Professor Helen Milroy AM, Rachel Fishlock, CEO of Gayaa Dhuwi, and Michael... read more →
Run or walk 9000 (9k) steps per day for 30 days for the 9 Australians we lose through suicide every day. Raise awareness and much-needed funds to help save lives... read more →
This Mindframe training session on safe and sensitive public communication around suicide and mental health concerns will include: A brief overview of the Mindframe program The Australian context, with current data The guidelines in-depth... read more →
Peak body for suicide prevention welcomes Productivity Commission Mental Health draft report recommendations Suicide Prevention Australia, the national peak body for suicide prevention, has said the Productivity Commission draft report... read more →