The Men’s Table is a simple, effective grass roots community building and men’s mental health and suicide prevention initiative. The Men’s Table enables groups of men to meet once... read more →
Individual planned support uses a collaborative approach in our aim to achieve a wrap-around support for the survivors we work with, their families and supporters. SAMSN employs clinicians with... read more →
SAMSN understands the value of connection and community and the role they play in recovery and healing. SAMSN also understands the barriers that can sometimes get in the way of... read more →
SAMSN runs Eight-week Support Groups for men who were sexually assaulted in their childhood. These groups are conducted within a safe peer-support environment and are facilitated by two professional counsellors.... read more →
ifarmwell is a free farmer-focused program which has been designed by Australian farmers, to help other Australian farmers, cope effectively with life’s challenges and get the most out of every day. The evidence-based website is... read more →
Stand Tall Australia exists to build hope in the lives of young Australians, supporting the mental well-being of our youth through inspiring events, presentations, workshops, camps and online resources. Stand... read more →
Collaborating to Create Systems Change is a workshop by Roses in the Ocean designed for people involved, individually or, as part of a Lived Experience Advisory, Reference or Working Group... read more →
Roses in the Ocean's Finding My Voice is a one-day workshop designed to introduce those with a lived experience of suicide seeking to become involved in suicide prevention. To understand... read more →
Peer CARE Companion Warmline & In Community is a suicide prevention call-back service, and has been created by Roses in the Ocean to provide a safe place for people with... read more →
The Suicide Prevention (SP) Peer Workforce Development Service is a suite of resources and training for the emerging Suicide Prevention Peer Workforce. Roses In the Ocean have created specialised training for... read more →
The Pop-up Safe Space model has the versatility to look, feel and operate in different ways depending on the specific and evolving needs of a community. Considerations include immediacy of... read more →
Living Perspectives of Suicide is a half or full day suicide awareness and intervention workshop designed collaboratively between Roses in the Ocean and Lifeline Queensland.
Roses in the Ocean delivers this informative and interactive four-hour workshop designed specifically to give community members an insight into suicide through the lens of people who have personally experienced... read more →
Roses in the Ocean's Peer CARE Companion workshop is designed to assist people with a lived experience of suicide to see themselves as valuable contributors to suicide prevention and to... read more →
Roses in the Ocean's LaunchPad is an empowering one-day workshop designed to assist community-based suicide prevention action groups to use their lived experience in a planned, coordinated and impactful manner.
Roses in the Ocean has developed the Voices of In-Sight speakers program. The Program is a highly reflective, facilitated process where you are afforded the gift of time … time... read more →
Our Voice in Action is a two-day workshop designed by Roses in the Ocean to develop specific skills for impactful engagement in suicide prevention activities.