Hello Driven's, High Adversity Resilience Training (HART) teaches advanced resilience skills for unique and extreme challenges. HART is valuable for emergency responders, Defence personnel, healthcare workers, and other professionals who... read more →
The Men’s Table is a simple, effective grass roots community building and men’s mental health and suicide prevention initiative. The Men’s Table enables groups of men to meet once... read more →
Northern Beaches Cares is a locally based, registered charity, who is a member of the National Suicide Prevention Network (NSPN). Our members come from the community bringing their passion, commitment... read more →
Mentoring Men is a registered Australian charity providing free long-term, one-to-one life mentoring for men who are going through some challenges or changes in their life. Our early intervention program... read more →
Established in 2008, All Hours Suicide Support is a free 24/7 phone counselling service that provides support to Primary Health Network clients with low-to-medium risk of suicide, ensuring they have... read more →
Established in 1998, SuicideLine is a free 24/7 Victorian phone and online counselling service for anyone at risk of suicide, concerned about someone at risk, bereaved by suicide and people... read more →
Established in 2007, Suicide Call Back Service is a free 24/7 national phone and online counselling service for anyone at risk of suicide, concerned about someone at risk, bereaved by... read more →
Established in 2001, MensLine is a free 24/7 national phone and online counselling service for men with concerns about mental health, anger management, family violence (using and experiencing), addiction, relationship,... read more →
FOUNDOBLUE is a three-year capacity building program which has been developed to raise awareness, encourage engagement, provide links to supports, promote group support networks and advocate self-care across the NSW... read more →
MATES is a charity that was established in 2008 to address high levels of suicide in the construction, mining, energy and manufacturing industries across Australia by providing suicide prevention training... read more →
MATES is a charity that was established in 2008 to address high levels of suicide in the construction, mining, energy and manufacturing industries across Australia by providing suicide prevention training... read more →
The Relationships Australia Tasmania Suicide Prevention Program works with communities to promote mental health and wellbeing and prevent suicide using a health promotion approach. The program supported communities (which can... read more →
The Stay ChatTY Sports Program delivers free evidence-based mental health literacy workshops to sporting clubs across Tasmania to support clubs in raising mental health awareness, reducing stigma, promoting help-seeking, and... read more →
The Stay ChatTY Schools Program is a mental health literacy program for Tasmanian students Grades 9–12. The program, called GritFit, raises mental health awareness and builds student confidence to seek... read more →
G.U.I.R Coaching, Training, Program Development, Community Engagement and Advisory Services – G.U.I.R consultancy services draw from the framework of the G.U.I.R COURAGE Coaching Model: COURAGE: Culture, Optimism, Understanding, Relationships, Acceptance,... read more →
ifarmwell is a free farmer-focused program which has been designed by Australian farmers, to help other Australian farmers, cope effectively with life’s challenges and get the most out of every day. The evidence-based website is... read more →
Workbench for the mind is a resilience building program created by suicide prevention advocate and positive psychology & wellbeing consultant and Mental Health First Aid facilitator Suzi Evans. The idea... read more →
The Let’sTALK Program is about ‘Letting Everyone Talk Safely’ by cultivating an environment of psychological safety. Psychological safety is the foundation of our wellbeing. Without it our relationships, resilience and... read more →
Compassionate Foundations is an upstream suicide prevention eLearning program designed specifically for the Australian Public Service. Compassionate Foundations is focused on building positive human-to-human interactions that promote compassion, connection and... read more →
Dads In Distress is a national suicide prevention service that supports Dads experiencing trauma through family breakdown, custody & child access issues, and separation anxiety. Support is provided through weekly... read more →