Provide a clear and concise description of what the project and how grant funds will be used. Include how the project is an evidence-based or evidence-informed suicide prevention activity, training or program. How does this relate to the needs of the community? What ongoing supports will be provided to participants?
Provide a clear and concise description of who (targeted group or population) and how the project/activity addresses suicide prevention in WA? How will the applicant ensure the project/activity is culturally appropriate? How will the applicant document consultations, engagement and attendance of the project/activity? How will the applicant receive feedback from the project/activity?
Provide a clear and concise description of what the expected outputs will be. Detail how these outputs will be measured and match the objectives of the Western Australian Suicide Prevention Grants Program. Outline if partnering with an Organisation and include a letter of support from that partner Organisation.
Provide a clear and concise description of when the outputs are expected to be delivered, including a delivery plan showing how outputs will be achieved as soon as possible of the grant being awarded. Include commencement date, delivery date and project completion date.
The Risk Management template is available at
Provide a clear and concise description of the applicant’s capacity, experience, and capability in delivering the project/activity proposed.
The Budget template is available at