

The Learnlinc platform facilitates learning and skill development in the field of suicide prevention. It has over 150 resources and educational opportunities, enabling people to identify their learning needs, achieve learning goals, and apply that knowledge effectively in suicide prevention efforts.  

Similar to how workplaces have CPR or first-aid programs, Learnlinc offers a solution for upskilling in suicide prevention, allowing individuals and organisations to enhance their capabilities and contribute to Suicide Prevention Australia’s vision of preventing suicide.  

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  • Access to comprehensive learning resources: online courses, training videos, research papers, and webinars, both free and paid. These resources cover various aspects of suicide prevention and cater to different learning needs and levels. 
  • Customised learning pathways: tailored to different roles and priority populations within the suicide prevention field. This personalised approach allows individuals to focus on relevant areas of learning that directly align with their specific responsibilities and target audience. 
  • Application of learning in real world context: facilitates learning and emphasises the application of acquired knowledge needed in the real world. Through reflective learning activities, individuals can effectively apply what they have learned to their practical work in suicide prevention. 
  • Upskilling and staff development: staff can enhance their skills and knowledge in suicide prevention, leading to improved performance, better outcomes, and a more supportive environment. 
  • Safe, high-quality, and effective programs: connects with the Suicide Prevention Accreditation Program to ensure quality and evidence-informed learning options across suicide prevention. 


Learning for life


How to sign up

You must be an organisational member, associate member or subscriber of Suicide Prevention Australia to access Learnlinc. Once you have joined, you will receive an email to set up your Learnlinc account.  

If you are already a member or subscriber of Suicide Prevention Australia, please contact learnlinc@suicidepreventionaust.org for more information on how to set up your account.  

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Further Information

Learnlinc is a benefit of Suicide Prevention Australia. You must be either a subscriber, associate member or organisational member to access the site.  

Fees are:  

  • Organisational Member: starting from $250 per year  
  • Associate Member: $200 per year 
  • Subscriber: $150 per year  

To learn more about our benefits or to become a member or subscriber, click here.  

Learnlinc provides access to a variety of learning materials, both free and paid, including online courses, training videos, research papers and webinars. These resources cater to different learning levels and specific roles within the suicide prevention field. 

Also included, are free foundational courses developed by Suicide Prevention Australia that explain how to, 

  • Identify someone in distress,  
  • Listen to another person talk about suicide distress, thoughts and behaviours, 
  • Apply safe, inclusive and non-stigmatising language when communicating about suicide, 
  • Link that person with support and resources. 

Learnlinc contains several areas of learning which provide a customised approach for individuals to focus on relevant areas of learning that directly align with their specific responsibilities and target audience. 

The areas of learning include:  

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide prevention  
  • Groups disproportionately affected by suicide  
  • Lived experience  
  • Postvention  
  • Social determinants of suicidal behaviour  
  • Targeted workplace learning: early career research  
  • Targeted workplace learning: learning and development  
  • Trauma informed approaches to suicide prevention  

Suicide prevention providers can have their training and learning resources added within Learnlinc, with a preference for, but not exclusive to, accredited programs. This ensures that the latest information is shared across organisations, to better support the Australian community. 

Suicide Prevention Australia vets all resources prior to posting. Please email learnlinc@suicidepreventionaust.org for more information. 

If you require technical support while accessing Learnlinc, please email learnlinc@suicidepreventionaust.org or call 02 9262 1130. 

Only one user is permitted to access the site per registration. You cannot share your registration details with friends or colleagues as this goes against the terms and conditions you have agreed to.

Learnlinc was created by Suicide Prevention Australia, in collaboration with experts in suicide prevention, training platforms, and individuals with lived experience. 

We are happy to meet via Teams, Zoom, or a phone call to preview Learnlinc and to discuss how it may benefit your organisation. Please contact learnlinc@suicidepreventionaust.org to arrange a time. 

“It is fantastic that Learnlinc is designed to support those currently working in the Suicide Prevention sector, as well as those with no previous experience. As an organisation working alongside the sector, Learnlinc provides us with a clear and easy to use pathway to make sure that all our staff have the fundamental skills needed for our suicide prevention projects.”

If you have any questions about Learnlinc, please contact Suicide Prevention Australia on learnlinc@suicidepreventionaust.org or phone 02 9262 1130.