
Join Our Suicide Prevention Mission

Suicide Prevention Australia is the national peak body for suicide prevention.

We exist to provide a clear, collective voice, so that together we can save lives. Our members are central to everything we do.

We believe that through collaboration and shared purpose, we can work towards our ambition of a world without suicide.

At Suicide Prevention Australia, we are guided by lived experience and advocate for a whole-of-government approach to reducing suicide, encompassing not just mental health but social, economic and community risk and protective factors.

We continuously strive to influence policy reform, facilitate education, build best practice, promote research and enable meaningful collaborations, whilst representing the voices of our members on key government and sector committees.


  • Advocacy and Policy: we consult with members to help inform our advocacy and policy work with key stakeholders such as state and federal governments, media, other peak bodies, businesses, and communities. Through collaboration, we have seen firsthand how insights from our members and people with lived experience have been translated into tangible outcomes that have positively impacted our community.
  • Building Capacity: we offer a series of initiatives designed to enhance best practice in suicide prevention. They include our Suicide Prevention Accreditation Program, Accreditation Directory and Competency Framework.
  • Knowledge Sharing and Upskilling: Learnlinc is a platform that aims to facilitate learning and skill development in the field of suicide prevention. It offers a range of resources and educational opportunities for individuals and organisations, enabling them to identify their learning needs, achieve learning goals, and apply that knowledge effectively in suicide prevention efforts.
  • Data and Information: through our regular email communication, we translate data, research and information in a timely way that provides relevant insights that can be used to inform your work in suicide prevention.
  • Events: we host a range of face to face and online events, with preferential rates for members and invitations to member-only events. Our events provide unique networking and collaboration opportunities, whilst sharing the latest thinking to promote best practice and innovation in suicide prevention.
  • Panels and Committees: we invite our members to participate in various panels and committees, including our State Committees, which act as a corridor for knowledge sharing and discussion of current and emerging issues at the jurisdictional level.
  • Promotion: we provide members with the opportunity to promote their organisations news, programs, events, services, and job vacancies through our channels which have a reach of more than 175,000 people.
  • Funding: Together with our members, we continue to grow the sector’s funding pool. This includes our National Suicide Prevention Research Fund, that we deliver on behalf of the Federal Government. All organisational members will receive exclusive access to the Grant Guru platform, with access to the most comprehensive business grants database in Australia.
Download our Membership Prospectus

Ways to Participate

Organisational Members

For groups whom a primary or significant work area is suicide and self-harm prevention and/or postvention and who agree to be compliant with the member requirements of the Constitution 2.2(a)(i)B, and incorporated organisations, corporates, government institutions and bodies that sit outside the traditional suicide prevention sector but who have a demonstrated commitment to suicide and self-harm prevention and/or postvention.

Become an Organisational Member

Associate Members

For individuals who would like to support the work in the suicide prevention sector, advocacy and research, and those with lived experience, and who agree to be bound by, and compliant with, the Constitution and provide a commitment to the Guiding Principles.

Become an Associate Member


For those who would like to support the work in the suicide prevention sector, advocacy and research, and those with lived experience, and who agree to be bound by, and compliant with, the Suicide Prevention Australia Constitution and provide a commitment to the Guiding Principles.

Become a Subscriber

Please note that Subscribers are not members of Suicide Prevention Australia and do not hold the same constitutional rights or benefits.

Organisational Member
Associate Members
Voting rights for the Board
Voting rights for the Board Feature is included.
Opportunities to promote and share news via our communications channels
Opportunities to promote and share news via our communications channels Feature is included.
Discount on Suicide Prevention Accreditation Program
Discount on Suicide Prevention Accreditation Program Feature is included.
Access to Strategic Grants database (GEM Local)
Access to Strategic Grants database (GEM Local) Feature is included.
Voting rights for the Annual General Meeting
Voting rights for the Annual General Meeting Feature is included. Feature is included.
Opportunity to consult on policy
Opportunity to consult on policy Feature is included. Feature is included.
Advocacy to government on your behalf, with access to key stakeholders
Advocacy to government on your behalf, with access to key stakeholders Feature is included. Feature is included.
Opportunities to participate in panels and committees
Opportunities to participate in panels and committees Feature is included. Feature is included.
Eligibility to be on the Suicide Prevention Australia Board
Eligibility to be on the Suicide Prevention Australia Board Feature is included. Feature is included.
Member networking and collaboration opportunities
Member networking and collaboration opportunities Feature is included. Feature is included.
Priority access to data and information
Priority access to data and information Feature is included. Feature is included.
License for Learnlinc
License for Learnlinc Feature is included. Feature is included. Feature is included.
Events and knowledge exchange monthly brief
Events and knowledge exchange monthly brief Feature is included. Feature is included. Feature is included.
Preferential rates for Suicide Prevention Australia events, knowledge exchange and webinars
Preferential rates for Suicide Prevention Australia events, knowledge exchange and webinars Feature is included. Feature is included. Feature is included.

How To Get Involved

The Suicide Prevention Australia membership and subscriber period runs from 1 January to 31 December each calendar year.

Your fee will be calculated depending on the time of year you join and will be calculated at check-out. If you have any enquiries please contact us on

Organisational Member fees are classified by:

  • National: organisations with a federated structure or similar, operating in multiple states/territories.
  • State: organisations operating in one state/territory.
  • Community: organisations established to operate with a focus on a specific geographic area or where suicide prevention is part of a broader remit.

Please note, ‘licenses’ refers to the number of Learnlinc licenses an organisation will be given to access the platform. Learn more about Learnlinc, here.

   Annual Income        Annual Fee         Licenses        Annual Fee        Licenses        Annual Fee        Licenses    
   $25M+        9,450        30       8,990        25       6,145        20   
   $10M < $25M        6,750        20       6,430        20       4,390        15   
   $7.5M < $10M        5,200        15       4,525        15       3,380        10   
   $5M < $7.5M        3,950        10       3,400        10       2,570        8   
   $2.5M < $5M        2,600        8       2,270        8       1,690        6   
   $1M < $2.5M        1,275        5       1210        4       830        3   
   $500K < $1M        670        3       595        2       435        2   
   < $500K        400        1       380        1       250        1   
   All fees include   GST.    
Become an Organisational Member

A flat fee of $220, GST inclusive.

Please note, Suicide Prevention Australia committee, board or panel participants are entitled to a reduced Associate Membership fee of $150. Opportunities to join are shared with members via email.

Become an Associate Member

A flat fee of $150, GST inclusive.

Become a Subscriber

The Suicide Prevention Australia membership and subscriber period runs from 1 January to 31 December each calendar year.

If you have any questions about our membership, please contact the Suicide Prevention Australia membership team on or phone: 02 9262 1130.
