Suicide Prevention Australia is governed by a Board of Directors in accordance with our Constitution. The Board is supported by Suicide Prevention Australia Management, Suicide Prevention Australia Members and people with lived experience of suicide. Suicide Prevention Australia Board committees include the Governance Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee.
In addition to supporting the effective governance of Suicide Prevention Australia, directors, members and people with lived experience of suicide help to guide our work as members of Suicide Prevention Australia program advisory committees and the Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group. Members of our Board, governance and program committees are passionate advocates for suicide prevention in Australia and bring a wealth of insights and lived experience to their role. We’re grateful for their guidance and input. See below for further detail on our governance structure and committees.
The Suicide Prevention Australia Board is currently comprised of 11 directors (the maximum number) and includes both appointed and elected directors. The appointment and election of directors is as per Clause 5.1 of our Constitution. Up to five directors are elected by vote of organisational members, and up to eight other directors are appointed as independent directors by the Board. Each director must be a member or representative of a member. In general, directors are elected for a three-year term with an overall maximum term of nine years.
For the election of member elected directors, nominations are sought from the sector. Once nominations are received, if the number of candidates is greater than positions available, a vote is conducted. Only organisational members of Suicide Prevention Australia have voting rights on the election of directors.