Suicide Prevention Accreditation Program

Australia’s first Suicide Prevention Accreditation Program

The Suicide Prevention Accreditation Program supports organisations to implement safe, high-quality, and effective suicide prevention and postvention programs in Australia.

The program is governed by the Suicide Prevention Australia Standards for Quality Improvement, 2nd Edition (the Standards) which has been developed in collaboration with people of lived experience of suicide, help-seekers, clinicians, service providers and accreditation experts.

Suicide Prevention Australia works with an independent accreditation agency, Quality Innovation Performance Limited, to carry out the accreditation process.

The Suicide Prevention Accreditation program is funded by the Australian Department of Health.

  • Accreditation Iris

Why is accreditation important?

  • Almost 90% of respondents to Suicide Prevention Australia’s State of the Nation survey believe Governments should prioritise programs that are accredited as safe, quality and effective when funding suicide prevention services.
  • Commissioning bodies such as Primary Health Networks and Coordinators have been encouraged to consider whether programs are accredited or working towards accreditation under the national standards.
  • It demonstrates your organisations commitment to implementing safe, high-quality, and effective suicide prevention programs.
  • All programs that are undertaking or achieved accreditation are recognised and promoted by Suicide Prevention Australia in our Accreditation Directory and Learnlinc platform.

Further Information

The Suicide Prevention Accreditation Program is for all suicide prevention and postvention programs. A suicide prevention program is one that is implemented to address, prevent or respond to suicidal behaviours and their impact on people, families, communities and the Australian population.

If an organisation is unsure if the program meets the suicide prevention standards or wishes to discuss any aspects of eligibility for the Suicide Prevention Accreditation Program, please contact Suicide Prevention Australia on or phone 02 9262 1130.

Providers of suicide prevention and postvention programs, at different stages of implementation or maturity, can now participate in an independent, self-directed accreditation program.

Accreditation is carried out by an independent accreditation agency, Quality Innovation Performance Limited (QIP). QIP is Australia’s most comprehensive not-for-profit accreditation agency, with expertise across the entire health and human services continuum.

The Accreditation Program offers a range of resources and templates that can support suicide prevention programs through the process of becoming accredited.

The Suicide Prevention Australia Standards Quality Improvement, 2nd Edition (the Standards) were developed in collaboration with the suicide prevention sector.

Assessment against the Standards assists organisations to continually improve and provide assurance to consumers and funding providers that the suicide prevention programs delivered by an organisation are safe, high-quality and effective. There are six standards that focus on the delivery of consistent, high-quality, and safe standards of care.

The Standards include:

  1. Alignment
  2. Lived & Living Experience of Suicide
  3. Collaboration
  4. Program Framework
  5. Program Management
  6. Program Outcomes & Knowledge Sharing

“Lived experience expertise is separate, equal and additional to ANY expertise provided by sources such as academia, service provision or conventional research and evaluation.

The knowledge gained through relevant, reflected upon and integrated lived experience cannot be replaced by any other knowledge.

A program that is informed by this hard won experience will be able to provide more effective support and better outcomes for the community.

We all share the aim of providing the best we can for the people who access our services and valuing people with lived experience as equal partners in all aspects of service provision is the most certain way to provide the best possible service.”

Grenville Rose, Lived Experience Panel Member

Accreditation Directory

All programs that have met or are undertaking formal independent assessment against the accreditation standards are listed on our Accreditation Directory. This Directory can be utilised when seeking to commission or fund suicide prevention programs that adhere to the best practice standards.

Accreditation logo

Frequently Asked Questions

Achieving accreditation against the nationally recognised standards helps ensure an organisation’s suicide prevention services are safe, effective, and impactful for those at risk.

It supports an organisation to demonstrate commitment to quality improvement, by allowing the team to take active steps to implement best-practice programs and services.

Accreditation allows service users, as well as funding providers, and health and community support services referring people in need, to feel reassured that they will have access to a consistent, high-quality and safe standard of care.

Assessment against the Standards assists organisations to continually improve and better support consumers by providing an improved service experience.

Implementation of the Standards requires the involvement of staff and volunteers to ensure the quality, effectiveness and reliability of the suicide prevention programs being delivered.

The Suicide Prevention Accreditation Program is designed to support the suicide prevention sector. This means that providers of suicide prevention programs can benefit by placing their programs on a self-directed course that is useful, purposeful, user-friendly, and relevant to their needs.

The Department of Health has provided program guidance to PHNs for targeted regional initiatives encouraging commissioners to consider programs accredited or working towards accreditation when evaluating tender submissions.

To date, the average time to complete the self-assessment component of the accreditation process takes approximately 6 months. An additional 1-2 months are required for the independent auditor to complete their review.

QIP can be approached to extend the timeframe to complete the accreditation acknowledging that resources and circumstances may change when completing the process.

Accreditation is undertaken by Quality Innovation Performance Limited (QIP).

QIP is a not-for-profit accreditation organisation dedicated to supporting health and community services to manage safety, risk, and quality through the provision of accreditation, certification, and quality assurance services.

QIP can support your organisation throughout the accreditation process by providing:

  • A dedicated QIP Client Liaison Team
  • Access to the QIP accreditation hub which includes:
    • AccreditationPro, our user-friendly, password protected self-assessment tool, and
    • An extensive online education and resource library containing useful documents such as Suicide Prevention Australia’s customisable templates.

The Life in Mind national directory houses a collection of suicide prevention programs and services which may be beneficial for people working in the suicide prevention sector, as well as those in mental health, government, business, or community groups.

You can search for accredited services in the Accreditation Directory.

These services have met or are undertaking formal independent assessment against the Accreditation Program.

The cost of the program is $1550 (GST exclusive) per program or service. For more information contact Quality Innovation Performance Limited (QIP) on 1300 888 329 or

If an organisation is unsure if the program meets the suicide prevention standards or wishes to discuss any aspects of eligibility for the Suicide Prevention Accreditation Program, please contact Suicide Prevention Australia on or phone 02 9262 1130.

Suicide Prevention Accreditation Program