Jordan Frith

Jordan Frith

Certificate I in Active Volunteering, Certificate II in Retail Baking Assistance

Jordan is a lived/living experience representative with personal experiences of suicidal distress and bereavement. Over the past six years she has worked collaboratively across government and not-for-profit agencies to enshrine the voices of people with lived experience in system design and governance.

Jordan is the Consumer Co-Chair of the National Mental Health Consumer Carer Forum and has partnered extensively across the mental health, primary care, disability and suicide prevention sectors with organisations such as AHPRA, the AMC, IHACPA, the National Suicide Prevention Office and the National Mental Health Commission. She brings particular expertise advocating in the youth, psychosocial disability and LGBTQI+ spaces.

Jordan is committed to empowering lived experience perspectives within the suicide prevention sector and working closely with communities who are significantly impacted by suicide. She is currently studying a Bachelor of Public Health at the Queensland University of Technology.

Chair of Lived Experience Advisory Committee