The PhD Scholarship provides funding for successful applicants to attain a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
The PhD Scholarship is a funding agreement between Suicide Prevention Australia and the applicant’s Administering Institution (a University in Australia).
The PhD Scholarship aims to support outstanding graduates who are at the early part of their research career. The Scholarship supports research relevant to all aspects of suicide prevention and to develop a capacity for original independent research within Australia.
The PhD Scholarship aims to:
- Support excellent clinical and applied research for those undertaking research in the suicide prevention field
- Advance promising early career researchers and promote enhanced opportunities for diverse career pathways
- Enable research and research training in high quality and supportive environments
- Expand Australia’s knowledge base and research capability; and
- Enhance the scale and focus of research relevant to the Suicide Prevention Research Fund priorities
What do we look for in PhD Scholarship applications?
Hear from Professor Myf Maple, deputy chair of the Suicide Prevention Australia Research Advisory Committee, on what we look for in PhD Scholarship applications:
Hear from Dr Katie McGill with further information on the Suicide Prevention Australia PhD scholarship application process:
Applicants who wish to attain a research focussed PhD in suicide prevention are eligible for this grant.
Award value
PhD Scholarship funding level
The total grant value is up to $155,000.
PhD Scholarship funding duration and commencement date
The funding is for a three-year, full-time equivalent position with provision for up to five years for career disruption.
The funding commencement date for scholarship recipients must occur within 3 months of execution of funding agreement. |
If you have enquiries regarding the research grant program, please contact Suicide Prevention Australia on +61 (2) 9262 1130 or email