NSPO consultations

The National Suicide Prevention Office (NSPO) has engaged Suicide Prevention Australia to support the development of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy by undertaking one part of a series of consultations with groups disproportionately impacted by suicide.

We are seeking to consult with people with lived and living experience of suicide, sector representatives and other relevant stakeholders who support:

  • Culturally and linguistically diverse people
  • Men
  • Older people (aged 65 years and over)
  • Residents in regional, rural and remote areas
  • People living with a disability including those who are deaf or hard-of-hearing

Consultations will require you to consider the specific needs of the population of focus and identify priority actions that governments, government agencies and organisations and communities can take to:

  • Enhance aspects of wellbeing which protect against suicide
  • Mitigate the impact of drivers of distress and suicide risk factors

Consultations will be two hours on the following dates:

  • Men consultation: 14 April, 10am – 12pm & 19 April, 2pm – 4pm
  • Residents in regional, rural and remote areas consultations: 11 April, 10am – 12pm & 18 April 10am – 12pm
  • People living with a disability consultation: 14 April, 2pm – 4pm & 20 April, 10am – 12pm
  • Culturally and linguistically diverse people consultation: 13 April, 10am – 12pm & 19 April 10am – 12pm
  • Older persons consultation: 11 April, 2pm – 4pm & 20 April, 2pm – 4pm

NSPO is delivering consultations with other population groups via other organisations, please contact the NSPO for more information on the other consultations.