Mind Blank is a multi-award winning mental health promotion charity. We are on a mission to empower people to implement mental health strategies and have conversations that save lives. Since 2011 the Mind Blank organisation has reached just under 50,000 Australians with our programs.
What we do is offer training, education, and awareness programs to build mental health skills. Our services support people to go from stress to building resilience skills, helping them thrive as their best sleeves. We are most known in the community for our action in the child and youth sector space, however, we also welcome collaborations with community sector organisations and workplaces.
Mind Blank programs are evidence based and are inspired by an interactive theatre experience. How it works is professional actors and trained up health care workers stage stories of lived experience of mental ill health. The program facilitator’s work with the audience to highlight and replay key points in the protagonist’s life in which are important areas for help-seeking and skill building opportunities.
This model promotes self-agency via experiential learning and bringing choices to awareness, keeping people firmly in control of the action in the unfolding drama. For more information go to “Breaking Down the Barriers”: Using Drama to Engage Young People in Mental Health Promotion and Prevention- A quantitative and qualitative research trial” https://ro.uow.edu.au/theses1/662/.
Imagine a world where everyone in the community can be trained up to know that to do in a time of need. If we all had these skills in community we would not need to max out the health care system. That’s the world we would like to see!
For more information: Mind Blank – Mental Health Charity Programs