We are thrilled to announce another 14 programs have now completed the Suicide Prevention Accreditation Program, 11 of which are programs from Roses in the Ocean, a leading national lived experience of suicide organisation.
Accredited programs:
- Iris Foundation Australia Limited
- Cool Connections in School
- Roses in the Ocean
- Collaborating to Create System Change Program
- Finding my Voice
- LaunchPad program
- Living Perspectives program
- Our Voice In Action program
- Peer CARE Companion program
- Pop-Up Safe Spaces program
- Suicide Prevention Peer CARE Connect program
- Suicide Prevention Peer Workforce Development Services program
- Touchpoints program
- Voices of In-Sight program
- Stride Mental Health
- Safe Haven, Wollongong
- Safe Space, Blacktown
- Youturn Limited
- StandBy Support After Suicide (StandBy National)
Every time a new program is accredited, we are inching closer to our goal of ensuring that every person who needs support can access a consistent, high-quality and safe standard of care.
Roses in the Ocean CEO, Bronwen Edwards said “Gaining accreditation of our key workshops, programs and services provides us with a wonderful sense of achievement. It represents the endorsement by an external quality auditor of our connection to the needs of the people we serve and our commitment to quality and continuous improvement. The process has been very streamlined and we have felt well supported.”
If you’d like to learn more about the Suicide Prevention Accreditation Program check out our website and also the best practice directory which is a list of programs which have met or are undertaking formal independent assessment.