Dr Mark Larsen
Dr Mark Larsen of the University of New South Wales was awarded $97,255 for their Innovation Research Grant project titled:
Behavioural patterns at Suicide Hot Spots.
Suicide hot spots are specific, often public, sites which provide the means or opportunity for suicide and are therefore associated with an increased frequency of suicide deaths, such as cliffs, bridges, buildings.
The study aims to examine data from a high risk location to:
- assess whether it is possible to automatically identify a set of behavioural patterns which precede actions on behalf of individuals climbing a safety fence.
- explore the acceptability of a monitoring system within the community, and the potential for applying these techniques at other specific suicide hotspots or in broader higher risk locations, such as railways.
In a statement, Dr Larsen explains:
“This research grant is important as we currently know very little about clusters of suicidal behaviour. Working with community partners in this project will help us identify and reach out to people in crisis at specific locations, hopefully leading to earlier intervention and saving lives.”
For more information on the funding opportunities available through the Suicide Prevention Research Fund please visit this page.