Read Suicide Prevention Australia’s latest media releases and statements.
Suicide Prevention Australia welcomes the $4 million extension from the Commonwealth Government for the National Suicide Prevention Research Fund....
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Suicide Prevention Australia welcomes the announcement of a bilateral funding agreement between the Commonwealth and Northern Territory Government which...
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Suicide Prevention Australia welcomes the announcement from National Cabinet of a new National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Agreement....
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Suicide Prevention Australia urges the South Australian and Australian Government to urgently finalise funding for critical suicide prevention services...
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Suicide Prevention Australia welcomes the announcement of a bilateral funding agreement between the Commonwealth and New South Wales Government...
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Universities will be better equipped to intervene early to help prevent the devastating impact of suicide in their communities...
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Today marks an important milestone for the delivery of safe, high-quality and effective suicide prevention and postvention programs across...
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Suicide Prevention Australia notes National Cabinet’s in-principle endorsement of the National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Agreement (National Agreement)....
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A report released today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) revealed that during the height of the...
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The South Australian Parliament is the first Australian state to pass a Suicide Prevention Act, marking a national milestone for...
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Suicide Prevention Australia, in partnership with the Australian Men’s Health Forum, has received a NSW Government grant of $340,000 over...
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Suicide Prevention Australia welcomes the release of the Final Report of the Select Committee on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention....
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Modelling released today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) revealed which socioeconomic factors had the strongest...
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Data released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has revealed a decrease in suicide rates for 2020. Sadly...
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At a major address to the Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA), Beyond Blue Chair the Hon. Julia...
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Record numbers of Australians are heeding the call to seek help from suicide prevention services in a “silver lining” that...
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Distress in communities across the country is mounting with one in four Australians reporting to know someone who died by...
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The Tasmania State Budget has been handed down and while there was no direct mention of additional funding for suicide prevention, there were announcements relating to...
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Prime Minister Scott Morrison has delivered the annual Closing the Gap statement to Parliament, announcing a $1 billion plan to...
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It’s clear from recent data that distress levels in the community are high and continuing to increase due to the...
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