Read Suicide Prevention Australia’s latest media releases and statements.
The Productivity Commission released the Annual Data Compilation Report today to inform reporting on progress under the National Agreement on Closing...
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Data released today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) reinforces the value of data collection to help...
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Suicide Prevention Australia welcomes the release of the Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide....
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Both the New South Wales and South Australian Budgets were handed down earlier this week and while there were no...
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Suicide Prevention Australia CEO, Nieves Murray, is once again taking part in the St Vincent de Paul Society CEO sleepout...
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Leading experts in suicide prevention from across the world will be meeting on the Gold Coast (Queensland) for the 31st...
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The Victorian Government’s announcement to set up a Suicide Prevention and Response Office is welcome news and is a positive...
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The Federal Government’s $12.8 million budget commitment to set up a National Suicide Prevention Office, signals a major step towards...
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Opinion Suicide Prevention Australia, CEO, Nieves Murray Suicide touches the lives of so many Australians. It is the leading cause...
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Suicide Prevention Australia welcomes today’s announcement by the Australian Government of a Royal Commission into veteran and serving defence personnel suicide...
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The Final Advice of the National Suicide Prevention Adviser, announced today, paves the way for a clear roadmap for reform....
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Suicide Prevention Australia welcomes the latest study of the Australian trans community and urges for a focus on this vulnerable...
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Suicide Prevention Australia Symposium 2021 will bring together the latest thinking in suicide prevention for a powerhouse event next week...
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NSW suicide deaths data released today highlights the need for immediate action to address distress in our community and future-proof...
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Suicide Prevention Australia has today welcomed the report from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System, in particular...
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Today marks an important milestone in suicide prevention following the release of two key reports. In particular, the recommendation to...
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The launch of the NSW Suicide Monitoring and Data Management System today is a significant milestone in suicide prevention. Access...
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Data released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) showing an increase in deaths by suicide is tragic and...
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The national peak body for suicide prevention welcomes the Federal Government’s fiscal measures announced in the budget tonight but warns...
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A new suicide and self-harm monitoring system launched today will help government and suicide prevention service providers to identify trends...
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