Peak body calls for immediate action on veteran suicide Suicide Prevention Australia, the national peak body for suicide prevention, has... read more →
Trends in employment, relationships and rising consumer debt impacting suicide risk this decade A suicide prevention roundtable in Sydney tomorrow... read more →
Upskilling workforce key to driving down suicide rates Suicide Prevention Australia has welcomed the joint announcement by the Commonwealth and... read more →
Suicide Prevention Australia gives evidence at Productivity Commission Inquiry Suicide Prevention Australia gave evidence at the Productivity Commission's public hearing... read more →
Dr Tania King Dr Tania King of the University of Melbourne was awarded $100,000 for the Innovation Research Grant project... read more →
Applications now open for Innovation Research Grants Applications are now open for round 3 of Suicide Prevention Australia's Innovation Research... read more →
Engage with your peak body on our policy committee We’re calling for expressions of interest to join our Policy Committee,... read more →
Your feedback needed on our policy positions Over the years, Suicide Prevention Australia has published issues papers, white papers and... read more →
Peak body for suicide prevention welcomes Productivity Commission Mental Health draft report recommendations Suicide Prevention Australia, the national peak body... read more →
Innovation Research Grants announced by Minister Hunt Six Innovation Research Grants have been announced by Minister Hunt. This initiative is... read more →
Dr Sally Fitzpatrick Dr Sally Fitzpatrick of the University of Newcastle was awarded $100,000 for the Innovation Research Grant project... read more →
Associate Professor Nicola Reavley Associate Professor Nicola Reavley of the University of Melbourne was awarded $98,222 for the Innovation Research... read more →
Associate Professor Ashleigh Lin Associate Professor Ashleigh Lin of the University of Western Australia was awarded $98,335 for the Innovation... read more →
Mrs Josie Povey Mrs Josie Povey of Menzies School of Health Research was awarded $100,000 for their Innovation Research Grant... read more →
Professor Myfanwy Maple Professor Myfanwy Maple of the University of New England was awarded $91,690 for their Innovation Research Grant... read more →
Dr Laura Biggs Dr Laura Biggs of Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, and in collaboration with James Cook University, was awarded... read more →
Abstract Submissions Open - National Suicide Prevention Conference 2020 Suicide Prevention Australia (SPA) is pleased to announce that you are... read more →
Ms Monique White Ms Monique White of Central Queensland University was awarded $105,000 for their proposed PhD Scholarship thesis titled: Adolescents understanding... read more →
Ms Grace McKeon Ms Grace McKeon of the University of New South Wales was awarded $105,000 for their proposed PhD Scholarship thesis... read more →
Mr Bernard Leckning Mr Bernard Leckning of Menzies School of Health Research was awarded $105,000 for their proposed PhD Scholarship thesis titled:... read more →