SuperFriend Together with industry partners, SuperFriend designs and delivers mental health and wellbeing initiatives that enable workplaces to thrive. Our... read more →
Announcing the 2020 LiFE Awards Finalists The annual LiFE Awards receive nominations from across Australia, and we are overwhelmed with... read more →
Crisis support boost for Victorians The national peak body for suicide prevention welcomes the announcement by the Victorian Government to... read more →
Peak body warns economic fallout will cause a wave of distress The national peak body for suicide prevention welcomes... read more →
Meet our July Member of the Month: The Australian Man Cave Our July 2020 member of the month is The... read more →
Report offers solutions to address emerging areas of suicide risk following COVID-19 Suicide Prevention Australia and Wesley Mission are calling... read more →
Dr David Milne was awarded an innovation grant for research titled 'Investigating the acceptability and effectiveness of digital monitoring for... read more →
Dr Karolina Krysinska was awarded an innovation grant for research titled 'The Voice of people with Lived Experience of suicide... read more →
Dr Sandersan Onie was awarded an Innovation Grant for research titled 'A randomised controlled trial of a targeted help-provision campaign... read more →
Professor Katherine Johnson - Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Professor Katherine Johnson received an Innovation Research Grant for her project... read more →
Emily Hielscher - University of Queensland Emily Hielscher from the University of Queensland was awarded an innovation grant for their... read more →
Kimberlie Dean Kimberlie Dean from the University of New South Wales received an Innovation Grant for research titled 'Reducing self-harm... read more →
Associate Professor Vida Bliokas and the research team at the University of Wollongong were awarded an Innovation Research Grant for... read more →
National peak body welcomes mental health funding announcement Australia is in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic; we are witnessing... read more →
National peak body welcomes mental health announcement Australia is in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic; we are witnessing significant... read more →
Response to David Leyonhjelm's opinion piece in the Australian Financial Review Suicide Prevention Australia is wholeheartedly committed to policy reform... read more →
Appointment of Deputy Chief Medical Officer a step in the right direction for mental health Australia’s national peak body... read more →
Professor Katherine Boydell - Black Dog Institute Professor Katherine Boydell from the Black Dog Institute at the University of New... read more →
Media Alert: Urgent action needed to prepare for potential increase in suicide rates Australia’s national peak body for suicide prevention,... read more →
Suicide Prevention Australia welcomes NSW Government funding Suicide Prevention Australia, the national peak body for suicide prevention, welcomed today’s announcement... read more →