NHMRC Ideas and Clinical Trials Grants – applications open
Interested researchers, who are able to partner with an academic institution, can now apply for the NHMRC Ideas and Clinical Trials Grants.
Applications will undergo a formal NHMRC review process and those that are successful, but not able to be funded by NHMRC, will be directed to Suicide Prevention Australia for consideration for funding.
The National Suicide Prevention Research Fund (NSPRF) was established by the Australian Government in 2017. It is managed by national peak body Suicide Prevention Australia (SPA) in partnership with leading experts from research, service delivery and the lived experience community.
The investment made in the NSPRF totals $12 million over three years and it supports knowledge development in relation to suicide prevention with an emphasis on the rapid translation of research outcomes into real world improvements.
In 2019 the fund will draw upon the NHMRC peer review process to assess the scientific excellence of applications submitted in the categories of Ideas Grants and Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies Grants.
Researchers seeking funding should submit applications to these NHMRC Grant Schemes. In the privacy section of their application they should give consent for NHMRC to provide the application and assessment information to other funding organisations (ie Suicide Prevention Australia).
Please see the NHMRC webpage for details of Ideas Grants and the Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies Grants. SPA will consider funding Grants applications that address the following priority areas:
- What works to prevent suicide and suicidal behaviour? For whom? Why? Studies of indicated, selective and universal interventions will be considered, with particular emphasis being given to studies of indicated interventions. Studies employing any type of research design will be considered providing they can yield meaningful data on effectiveness and, where possible, cost-effectiveness.
- What factors are protective against suicide? What are the mechanisms by which these protective factors operate? How might we bolster these protective factors for individuals in different communities and/or from different target groups and/or social and cultural backgrounds? Again, studies employing any type of research design will be considered, providing they can yield meaningful data on protective factors and their promotion.
Grant Proposals should include a knowledge translation plan and where possible include descriptions of the inclusion of lived experience expertise on suicide and the utilisation of research outcomes from a consumer and carer perspective.
This investment into research will enhance development of new and more effective programs, improve existing programs and provide appropriate services for those at risk. Following the NHMRC process, fundable applications will be considered for funding by SPA’s Research Advisory Committee, Chaired by Professor Don Nutbeam with final approval for funding by the Board of SPA.