Suicide Prevention Australia welcomes today’s announcement by the Australian Government of a Royal Commission into veteran and serving defence personnel suicide in Australia.
Suicide Prevention Australia CEO Nieves Murray said, “Sadly rates of death by suicide are significantly higher among ex-serving men and women than the general population.
“There is a clear need for change in this area. The Royal Commission and its focus on the critical examination of systematic issues will pave the way for much needed reform and a reduction in suicide deaths among Australian veteran and defence communities.
“The findings of the commission will undoubtably strengthen and support the important work of the National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention.
“Suicide Prevention Australia in consultation with its members looks forward to contributing to the Royal Commission,” said Ms Murray.
Last year, Suicide Prevention Australia commended the decision by the Australian Government to appoint a permanent independent commissioner to investigate veteran suicide.
“Suicide Prevention Australia has been calling for immediate action on veteran suicide, citing the lack of reliable data and delays with claims processing as two issues requiring urgent attention,” said Ms Murray.