We have made some exciting changes to Suicide Prevention Australia’s membership offering.
From 2024, we will offer a new category, benefits and a simplified fee structure to better serve the diverse needs of our members.
Over the years, the sector has become stronger and more collaborative, creating the collective drive needed to strengthen suicide prevention and ultimately save lives. Together with our members, we have grown the sector’s funding pool, increased research opportunities, put pressure on the government to create meaningful change and elevated the standard of best practice amongst suicide prevention programs, to name a few.
As a sector, we are stronger together. Our members will always be central to everything we do at Suicide Prevention Australia, but we also recognise the need as the peak body to build capacity outside the suicide prevention sector to further shine a light on the crucial work our members do.
With this in mind, we will be introducing a Subscriber category as of 6th November 2023.
New Category
Subscribers (individuals): This category is for individuals who would like to access the learning and development benefits of Suicide Prevention Australia such as Learnlinc and our events, without the interest in policy, advocacy, and governance of the organisation.
Please note that Subscribers are not members of Suicide Prevention Australia and do not hold the same constitutional rights or benefits.
New Benefits
As of January 1st, Suicide Prevention Australia will be launching two new benefits; Learnlinc and GEM Portal.
Learnlinc: is a platform that aims to facilitate learning and skill development in the field of suicide prevention. It offers a range of resources and educational opportunities for individuals and organisations, enabling them to identify their learning needs, achieve learning goals, and apply that knowledge effectively in suicide prevention efforts. It also provides an opportunity for members to promote their programs, research and resources to the broader community by adding them to Learnlinc. Similar to how workplaces have CPR or first-aid programs, Learnlinc offers a solution for upskilling in suicide prevention, to enhance capability and contribute to Suicide Prevention Australia’s vision of preventing suicide.
GEM Local: Suicide Prevention Australia has partnered with Strategic Grants to provide members with access to over 6,500 grants across multiple sectors and funding resources via GEM Local. It contains grant opportunities encompassing public and private ancillary funds, trusts and foundations, health and medical research funders including peer-reviewed, corporate foundations, local, state and federal government grants and tenders, and international funders that give to Australian based organisations. This benefit is for not-for-profit members who have an annual revenue under $1 million.
What is the difference?
Please note, Suicide Prevention Australia committee, board or panel participants are entitled to a reduced Associate Membership fee of $150. Opportunities to join are shared with members via email.
Organisational Members
Having listened to your feedback over the past 12 months, we have simplified our fee structure. Member Organisations will now be classified as:
- National: organisations with a federated structure or similar, operating in multiple states/territories.
- State: organisations operating in one state/territory.
- Community: organisations established to operate with a focus on a specific geographic area or where suicide prevention is part of a broader remit.
Please note, ‘licences’ refers to the number of Learnlinc licences an organisation will be given to access the platform. Learn more about Learnlinc, here.
Get In Touch
If you have any questions about how this might affect your membership, do not hesitate to reach out to the Suicide Prevention Australia team with any questions at membership@suicidepreventionaust.org or (02) 9262 1130.