The Way Back Support Service (‘The Way Back’) is a trauma-informed, non-clinical, psychosocial service response to support people following a suicide attempt or experiencing suicidal crisis. The aim of The... read more →
Lifeline Direct’s Eclipse gives people the chance to meet and talk to others who have survived a suicide attempt and offers an opportunity to learn skills that may help participants to... read more →
Lifeline Direct’s AfterCare is designed to increase access and engagement with care to prevent repetition of suicidal behaviour. The program provides rapid and assertive outreach to people who have recently... read more →
The Way Back Support Service (The Way Back) was developed by Beyond Blue and CCNB is commissioned to provide the service for the Northern Sydney Region. The Way Back supports... read more →
Developed by Beyond Blue in 2010 to support people who had attempted suicide or experienced a suicidal crisis. The service focuses on providing support for up to three months in... read more →
Grand Pacific Health provides this service for those who have attempted suicide or are at risk of doing so. It is primarily staffed by peer workers who work collaboratively with... read more →
Support After Suicide is a program of Jesuit Social Services funded by the Federal Government through the Victorian Primary Health Networks. Support After Suicide provides specialist suicide bereavement counselling... read more →
The Structured Intervention Program for Suicide-Attempters (SIPS) is a brief, structured and client-centred intervention for individuals who have had a recent suicide attempt. SIPS is a collaborative approach, not a... read more →
Lifeline Mid Coast delivers ECLIPSE which is a support group for adults who have survived a suicide attempt.
Peer worker collocated between Lifeline Mid Coast and Port Macquarie Base Hospital Community Health supporting patients that have attempted suicide.
Lifeline Macarthur and Western Sydney provide ECLIPSE as a support group for adults who have survived a suicide attempt, regardless of whether the attempt was recent or in the past.
Lifeline Macarthur and Western Sydney's Suicide Aftercare Program offers short term crisis support to people who have attempted suicide, are experiencing a crisis in their lives and who need someone... read more →
Eastern Health provides support for people at the point of hospital discharge that are identified as at-risk of suicide and, or repeated intentional self-harm.