Resilience First Aid (RFA) is a two-day certification course delivered by Driven that teaches critical conversational skills to proactively build resilience in others as a preventative approach to mental health... read more →
If you work with older people and would like to learn how to help prevent suicide, this program can provide the training you need. Run by Anglicare and funded by... read more →
Stand Tall Australia exists to build hope in the lives of young Australians, supporting the mental well-being of our youth through inspiring events, presentations, workshops, camps and online resources. Stand... read more →
The foundational belief of Zero Suicide is that suicide deaths for individuals under the care of health and behavioural health systems are preventable. For systems dedicated to improving patient safety,... read more →
Quest for Life have developed Moving Beyond Trauma designed to assist people with post-trauma stress symptoms to reclaim their lives and create greater control over their emotional equilibrium and their... read more →
Quest for Life have developed an interactive, 5-day residential program for people living with a variety of traumas and the challenging emotions elicited by them.
Brief Intervention team provide short term support (six sessions) using Brief Solution Focused Therapy approach for people with thoughts of suicide. Consumers are referred to the clinic via various areas... read more →