Today, we launched our National Policy Platform which outlines our key priorities for the next term of Parliament.
In the lead up to the federal election, it’s more important than ever that we unite as a sector and maximise our collective voice of influence.
We’ve seen major reforms achieved from our current platform, including the appointment of the Assistant Minister for Suicide Prevention, establishment of a National Suicide Prevention Office and the delivery of suicide registers in the majority of jurisdictions.
It couldn’t be a more important time to update our platform. To date, the sector has worked together tirelessly to contain suicide rates during the pandemic. What we do now and what we put in place over this period will determine whether we can continue to contain suicide rates as we emerge from the pandemic.
The National Policy Platform is built on four pillars of reform:
- Whole-of-government: A whole-of-government approach to suicide prevention that addresses the social determinants of health and wellbeing
- Lived experience: Lived experience leadership, expertise and insights integrated into all aspects of suicide prevention
- Data and evidence: Need for reliable, timely and meaningful data and evidence that drives better policy, practice and outcomes
- Workforce, sector and community: A sustainable workforce, quality sector practice and community-wide capability for suicide prevention
Our members are critical to the delivery of the platform. We are stronger together and our advocacy aimed at decision-makers can make a difference.
To read more about the platform, click here.