Ms Monique White
Ms Monique White of Central Queensland University was awarded $105,000 for their proposed PhD Scholarship thesis titled:
Adolescents understanding of neuroscientific based education to enhance buoyancy: An action research approach.
This study aims to explore how an understanding of one’s thoughts may impact on brain physiology and improve everyday resilience skills. The program is supported by current neuroscience, psychology and education principles as pillars that will increase the everyday resilience levels of young adolescent students.
It is using an action research methodology to enable the involvement of collaborators such as the school leadership, teachers, counsellors and staff to deliver an innovative intervention strategy to improve students’ mental health and well-being.
In a statement, Ms White explains:
“Receiving the research grant is so important for me because I get to partner with an organisation that believes in a cause that I am passionate about. It also gives me the freedom to put my attention into researching what will hopefully prevent many people from even considering taking their lives.”
For more information on the funding opportunities available through the Suicide Prevention Research Fund please visit this page.