Mr Bernard Leckning
Mr Bernard Leckning of Menzies School of Health Research was awarded $105,000 for their proposed PhD Scholarship thesis titled:
Informing improved hospital and follow-up care for patients presenting with self-harming thoughts and behaviours.
The proposal is to investigate the characteristics and outcomes of individuals attending hospital with self-harming thoughts and behaviours. Identifying population and clinical characteristics associated with a higher risk of repeat hospitalisation and death by suicide, will better inform hospital assessment and management practices and targeted follow-up preventive interventions for this at-risk group.
In a statement, Mr Leckning explains:
“Receiving the research grant is so important for me because it allows me to really focus on addressing the gaps in the evidence-base for Northern Territorians and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Better understanding hospital-treated self-harm and suicidal ideation not only allows us to identify opportunities for prevention with a high-risk group, but to explore options for more targeted early intervention prevention that build strengths and foster resilience. This scholarship is a really important opportunity for me to develop the skills and experience important to improving outcomes and quality of care for populations vulnerable to suicide.”
For more information on the funding opportunities available through the Suicide Prevention Research Fund please visit this page.